Road accident, Sakhalin

24-September-2019 Tuesday

09-October-2018 Tuesday
Unsuccessfully outstripped

25-June-2017 Sunday
The driver of a white "Mercedes" at a pedestrian crossing in Nevelsk knocked down a girl

25-June-2017 Sunday
Killer in a white Mercedes.

24-June-2017 Saturday
No one is safe from such freak racers (in fact, he already knocked down in the oncoming lane)

09-December-2016 Friday
Born in a shirt

18-November-2016 Friday
In Kholmsk, a foreign car hit two pedestrians

13-September-2016 Tuesday
Kia sportage bought three hours ago from authorized dealers

16-August-2016 Tuesday
The Sakhalin man, to spite his wife, crashed the car against the wall of the house (08/14/2016)

12-May-2016 Thursday
As the day of victory was celebrated on about. Sakhalin, local jeepers

20-November-2015 Friday
On the 31st kilometer of the highway Yuzhno-Sakhalinsk - Kholmsk on the morning of November 20, 2015, a serious accident occurred.

11-June-2014 Wednesday
Collision of a train with a passenger bus on Sakhalin

11-June-2014 Wednesday
Accident at the crossing (Sakhalin)
